
Mythril is an amazing community, fill with amazing people. There is almost always a lobby going in every major game, Overwatch, Apex, League and Valorant, With people of all ranks and coaches to help people looking to get better. There are also channels to play any game, as well as LFG and discussions for any game you may want to play. There are also fun events held weekly, from overwatch in houses, to Golf with friends. All in all, this community is one of the best communities I have come across, and am glad to have spent the last 3 years as a part of them.

- StarJ, Legacy Member

After joining the military and moving across the country and losing a few friends, Mythril has given me the opportunity to make new friends that I can game with and have a good time. My sister and I have really gotten closer by playing Apex Legends and Overwatch together. Everyone is extremely welcoming and make it easy to hop into any voice channel and play along side gamers from all over. Being apart of Mythril has significantly helped my mental health and made me feel not so alone in a new place.

-Steelartemis, Member

I've been a member of this server for a year and a half. Compared to other gaming servers out there, Mythril's inclusive environment and the ability to (efficiently) ping and garner interest in a variety of games has always been such a bonus. The server is always active with plenty of events and a receptive group of friends.

-Nightingaele, Legacy Member

My time in Mythril has not been a short one. I find that I strive to stay and play games within the community as they are all very welcoming to all skill levels of players for all the many games that they have. Some games are more sectioned than others as the community has dedicated channels for them and always welcome you to try out the game with the active managers to help introduce you to that corner of the community. I personally have seen the good and bad times for the community but even in strife or conflicts between members the staff are all top notch and will always hear you out over any misunderstanding or complaint. Not many times have I joined a community and found the staff to be unbiased and understanding they make a community last and as I’ve been here for over 3 years now. I can say that without a good line up of staff a good and friendly community could not exist. Any community will have its ups and downs so not all things can be a high note but even within those the ones who want to actually have a chill and fun time with others who may share your interests can be found in the other section outside the core games of the discord and I know a few who don’t even play any of the core games found within Mythril and would still not wish to leave as there is many things to do or even find out about as members are always posting about new or upcoming games that look fun to play with other like minded individuals. I have enjoyed my time even throughout the years within the times of strife and the good I have found a community that I will strive to stay with for the hopefully many years to come.

-Ezalore, Legacy Member

I had lost most of my gaming friends over the years and found the Mythril gaming community.  It was intimidating at first with all of the channels and people playing all sorts of games.  After joining the voice channels and getting to know the people, I found that everyone is super welcoming.  I'm very glad that I found this group and love spending my days having fun with the variety of people here. 
— DietHC, Member 

Myth is a cool place. Lots of fun people and theres always events going on

- Maxslayer, Legacy Member

Initially, I joined this server for just a short moment of time, and I had no will or desire to continue within the server. I sat for the interview however I was too shy to even want to keep coming in. I decided to send in a request to regain my membership after another half month and decided to actually start popping into channels where I knew some people, and from there I met more and more people and became more and more comfortable. Now I feel like I belong. It has become my favorite servers, everyone is so welcoming and I appreciate how much it has helped my shyness.

-Kermit_ouo, Member

I'm so glad that I found Mythril. I joined to find a regular group of people to play Overwatch with but ended up finding so much more. Mythril is a community that has helped me grow as a gamer and as a human. I was looking for sweatlords to carry me, but instead I found people from all walks of life and all corners of the Earth to game with. I'm playing games and learning about things that I never would have given a chance before joining Mythril. Mythril's Discord server is active, organized, inclusive, and moderated well. I like to think of it as my favorite bar or cafe on the internet. If you're looking for an online community to game and vibe with, I strongly advise you to give Mythril a try.

-BruceLeDouche, Member

I joined Mythril during the pandemic and quickly found my new home. I was immediately welcomed and now I spend most of my time playing overwatch, and I've been encouraged to try new games too! I love how friendly and supportive everyone is. Truly real friends!

-Carolinej, Director

I found mythril during the beginning of covid and it has been an amazing place to play games and hang out with others and has been my go to place to play games for three year

- Hivetyrant, Legacy Member

Mythril has given me a lot of opportunity to improve. From how I play league, D&D and more. After joining I quickly found that this is more than just a discord this is a family—a group of friends, that will help and support everyone regardless of who they are or what rank they are. Wood, bronze, silver, gold, plat, diamond—it doesn’t matter there is always someone here trying to help and develop other players. When you are having a rough day or a rough week, someone is always here to listen and just play games with, dance with, and laugh with. And let’s end this by saying if you want picture of cats, then you came to the right server! 

- Phoenix, Member 

I haven't been here the longest and was reluctant due to past experiences with communities like Mythil. However I am very glad I joined, I'm blown away by the level of inclusivity here, the fact that everyone cares about each other and how welcoming of a community it is. I have not only thoroughly enjoyed my time with Mythril but learned more than i ever expected. Mythril very rapidly became my second home. If anyone is in need of a community to hang out with, to do keys with, to just have fun with? Mythril is for you. They have managed to perfect the skilled but causal laid back atmosphere like no where i've been. The players here are amazing but never make anyone feel less for not being as good. Mythril is the place to be.

-VoidPhoenix, Member

Mythril is a great gaming community to join, whether you're looking for competitive, casual, or social gaming. Even if you don't frequently play one of Mythril's core games, you'll find a community that's sociable and friendly

-Sumason, Legacy Member

Mythril is an awesome community that always has great vibes. There's always someone in a voicechat you can game with or just hang out. Anyone looking to find cool people should check it out.

- Floofy, Legacy Member

I love Mythril! There is something for everyone and the community is very welcoming. The numerous community events always have a huge turn out. I'm glad to be a part of such a awesome, friendly server!

— Midna, Member

Mythril feels like home to me, its the only gaming server i've bothered to actually stick around. I joined around a perfect time during COVID where everyone was forced to stay home and do nothing but PLAY GAMES. And well the rest is history

-Cause I Write The Story, Legacy Member